Metal Recycling In Miami

Metal Recycling: How to Recycle Metal at Minimum Cost?

Can you recycle metal? Yes, recycling metal can be a great way of reducing the burden of metal pollution on the environment caused by irresponsible metal disposal. However, despite the good intentions of metal recycling, the fact is that it can be an expensive affair. In this post, you’ll get all the information you need for great metal recycling without spending a fortune. So, without any further delay, let’s get into it!

How does the metal recycling process work?

Before we take you through the financial side of things, it’s important for you to understand what the junk metal recycling process is and how it works. So, if you’re wondering how to recycle metals, read on:

  • Step 1 – Scrap metal sorting: The first step in the metal recycling process involves sorting scrap metal. Large businesses typically approach this step by hiring third-party metal recycling companies, which sort scrap metal through Positive Metal Identification (PMI) testing. Businesses with in-house expertise may also invest in metal analyzers for scrap metal sorting. While metal analyzers can be expensive machines, they do offer savings in the long run.
  • Step 2 – Recycling at plants: Once the scrap metal is sorted, it’s sent to metal recycling plants in where it’s tested for radiation. After it clears the radiation tests, it’s seared and shredded by machines.

The tools and knowledge you need for saving money on metal recycling

Now that you’re aware of the metal recycle process, it’s time to arm you with the tools and knowledge that will come in handy for metal recycling at minimum cost:

Fundamental knowledge of metals

Correct estimation of metal waste value is next to impossible if you can’t tell one metal from another. So, start studying ferrous metals (iron and steel) and non-ferrous metals (lead, bronze, brass, stainless steel, aluminum, and copper). Apart from learning about their properties, you should also educate yourself on where these metals are most commonly found along with how valuable they are.

A magnet

The identification and assessment of metals are dependent on a simple tool – the magnet. Ferrous metals easily stick to magnets, while non-ferrous metals don’t.

Sorting containers

You’ll need sorting containers on hand to keep the metals separately. If you take different metals to a metal junkyard in a single container, either of two things may happen. If you’re lucky, the metal buyers will ask you to go back, sort the metals in different containers, and come back. However, at some metal yards, you may be paid based on the metal of the lowest value in the container.

Keep track of real-time values

The real-time values of metal salvage tend to change from one day to the next. So, it’s important you keep track of them. This will drastically reduce the chances of you being taken for a ride by unscrupulous people at a metal salvage yard. Scrap Monster and Scrap Register are two prominent examples of websites that you can visit to know the real-time values of scrap metal. Typically, copper fetches the most value, whereas aluminum, tin, and iron are the cheapest.

Avoid the cost of injury with these tips

When you’re thinking of local metal recycling, you should also think about the potential for injury. Quite simply, to avoid injuries while collecting scrap metal, you need to do certain things, and in this section, we’ll take you through them in detail:

  • Carry a first-aid kit: Before you head out to collect scrap metal, you must prepare a first-aid kit. It should contain bandages, a topical antibiotic (for wound treatment), tweezers to pull splinters out, pain relieving medication, water, and antihistamines or any other anti-allergy medication.
  • Dress right: Skin exposure is not recommended during scrap metal collection, which is why you should invest in pants and long-sleeved uppers that offer puncture resistance. Without puncture-resistant clothing, you’ll be at risk of sustaining cuts and bruises. High-quality work boots are another must-have – look for ones with alloy safety toes, as they can offer protection against debris.
  • Carry the right equipment: Ropes, a sledgehammer, and a ladder – these are some of the pieces of equipment you should carry with you on a scrap metal collecting trip. The ladder will allow you to collect scrap metal from heights and the sledgehammer will help you to get pieces of metal unstuck. By using the ropes, you should be able to secure your collection. Not doing so can result in accidents, especially during car travel as you travel to where to recycle metal.

The best places to look for scrap metal to recycle

Places disposing of metal regularly make for the best scrap metal hotspots, and you should visit them before reaching out to a best metal recycling company. If there’s a lot of scrap metal piled up at your home, it’s best to start there. However, once you run out of scrap metal at home, the following would be the best places to collect scrap metal:

Business hubs in your local area

If there’s a business hub in your vicinity, you should definitely pay it a visit as businesses are constantly throwing away old equipment and replacing them with new ones. For instance, offices are likely to upgrade their computers from time to time, and retail outlets may do away with damaged and/or old shopping carts. You should establish contact with the managers of the business offices and ask them to let you know whenever they’re disposing of old equipment.

Apartment buildings

Get in touch with maintenance officers at apartment complexes near you as apartments can be a regular scrap metal source. If they’re in need of people to collect scrap metal, ask them to reach out to you. To make things easier on the communication front, be sure to give them your business card.

Automotive repair stores and construction sites

These places won’t probably yield results regularly, but it’s always a good idea to go to them from time to time. However, before taking anything from them, ask for written permission from them, as you don’t want to be accused of theft later on.

So, that’s about it for this article. If you are looking for metal recycling services in miami please contact us on 844-303-3366 to get a quote.