Interior demolition

Interior Demolition: A Complete Solution for Your Home

Most people tend to think of demolition as breaking a building down completely followed by the removal of the broken-down materials. However, interior demolition doesn’t work like that. So, what is interior demolition? How much does it cost? Who does it? And what tools are used to do it? If you have one or more of these questions, you’re at the right place. In this post, we’ll attempt to provide the answers to all of them. So, read on.

Interior demolition: What is it?

Interior demolition, quite simply, refers to the process that involves the removal of one or more components from inside a property. For instance, a residential interior demolition may involve the demolition of walls. Apart from walls, interior demolition may also be useful in removing components such as fire protection, mechanical systems, plumbing, furniture, flooring, and ceilings.

Sometimes, interior house demolition may also involve ‘gutting’, i.e. a process that includes both removing and disposing of the entirety of the interior elements of a property. After being gutted, only the property’s empty shell remains, with only the essentials inside.

Who do you call when you need interior demolition services?

If you’re in need of interior demolition services, you can address it in either of two ways. The most popular option is to reach out to a reputed interior demolition contractor. The second option, which is less popular than the former, involves going down the DIY route. Read on to know the pros and cons of each option – we’ll get to their respective costs later.

Let’s start with interior demolition contractors. These guys are professionals and are your best bet if you want the interior demolition project to go smoothly. A reputed and experienced interior demolition company has the personnel, equipment, and most importantly, the technical know-how to get things done properly. You can also expect a high-quality firm to adhere to local demolition laws and regulations.

However, as interior demolition has become a profitable business, there are many unscrupulous companies out there as well. It’s important that you steer clear of them as such firms are almost always on the lookout for easy money. They may make bold claims but in reality, they may end up doing serious damage to your residential property. So, before you hire a company or a contractor, be sure to check its reviews.

Now that you know about contractors and companies who offer interior demo services, it’s time to explore the second option, i.e. DIY. Some demolition tasks can be simple, such as removing kitchen cabinets and bathroom vanities. You should be able to perform these tasks without much fuss or bother. However, there are several complicated demolition tasks like removing something in the presence of asbestos and non-load-bearing walls.

Quite simply, if you don’t have any experience in doing these complicated tasks, it’s best to steer clear of the DIY way and call the pros. If you go ahead with DIY without any prior experience, you may end up severely damaging your interior structures. You may also find yourself in a legal soup if you fail to adhere to local demolition laws.

The costs associated with interior demolition

‘How much does interior demolition cost?’ – this is one of the most commonly-asked questions by homeowners across the United States. The answer to this question is dependent on the following factors:

  • The project’s complexity
  • The materials you want to be demolished
  • The surface area to be demolished
  • Presence of hazardous materials like asbestos
  • Ease of access
  • Living costs in your area
  • Whether you hire a company/contractor or do it on your own

On average, a residential interior demo project costs around $2,000 – $4,000. So, to calculate the average interior demolition cost per square foot, divide this amount by the surface area you want to be demolished. Interior demolition cost may also vary across different parts of the interiors. For instance, the interior wall demolition cost may not be the same as what you’ll have to spend to demolish the ceiling.

Permits – are they required?

Do you need a permit for interior demolition? The simplest answer to this question is yes, you do. Most states across the USA require homeowners to obtain permits before they can proceed with their residential demolition projects. However, the processes for obtaining permits differ from one state to the next. Typically, homeowners have to visit the offices of the Buildings Department to apply for permits and acquire them. If you plan on going ahead with the demolition project yourself, this is what you’ll almost inevitably have to do to secure the permits.

However, if you’re hiring a professional demolition contractor or company to take charge of the demolition project, you can rest easy when it comes to acquiring the permit. In most cases, the contractor or company will get the required documentation sorted out for you. However, it’s important to talk to the contractor or company to ensure that the costs will be inclusive of permit acquisition. You may also need additional permits if you want asbestos and/or other hazardous materials to be removed.

The essential tools for interior demolition projects

In this last section, we’ll take you through some tools needed for demolition projects, which include:

  • Air cleaner: This is a handy tool for eliminating airborne dust.
  • Angle grinder: Angle grinders can be effective at handling wire fences and rusted bolts. Additionally, they can sand wood.
  • Cordless drill: A cordless drill is high in portability and great for lightweight drilling duties.
  • Jack/rotary hammers: Jack/rotary hammers are perfect for dealing with masonry and concrete.
  • Circular saw: From dissecting decks to plunge-cutting into flooring – circular saws can take things apart effectively.
  • Reciprocating saw: With a reciprocating saw’s blade, you can effortlessly cut a variety of materials including steel and wood.
  • Snips, nippers, and pliers: Snips, nippers, and pliers are great for cutting ducts and aluminum, tough wires, and electrical lines respectively.
  • Bars: Breakers or crowbars are unparalleled when it comes to prying.

So, there you have it – the most comprehensive interior demolition guide you’ll find on the internet. For more informative blogs, click here.